Tecinspire – Energy savings
In our daily lives, all actions are done thoughtfully. We think that small acts have a later positive effect on the big picture.
Every single act companies do (no matter how big or small they might be) is a contribution to the overall goal to use resources in the most effective way, especially those with high levels of future scarcity such as water. It is more than how much money they invest to make their efforts recognized. It is about the mentality of the entire team and how this goes to the very last corner of their business. I therefore admire their effort to go digital, paperless, and zero-carbon commuting, good examples for others to follow internationally!
In our daily lives, all actions are done thoughtfully. We think that small acts have a later positive effect on the big picture.
Even a small company can reduce its carbon footprint by small decisions. For us environmentally friendly and responsible materials are important. In purchasing workwear, we saved 80,000 liters of water, using fabrics made from recycled materials compared to using new cotton.
We encourage companies to think about purchasing wisely and ecologically. In general, alternatives can be found for sustainable materials can be found at local companies.
Water savings almost 80 000 liters of water. Happy employees and well-being through sports and being outdoors. Energy savings with small acts every day.
We turn off the lights whenever possible in the office and at home. If possible, we walk or bike. In Tecinspire we have electronic invoicing and a paperless office.
We do all of our workwear purchases ecologically. We bought new company clothes made of recycled material. One recycled T-shirt saved 2700 liters of water and one hoodie 8700 liters compared to using new cotton materials. We ordered seven pieces of both and saved totally almost 80 000 liters of water.
The People's Voice