Earth needs trees. Trees need you.

Treebuddy is the ultimate tree planting and care service for your company’s needs.
It provides truly unique innovations that are not found in other solutions. Full transparency and verifiability of all trees: In our solution tree supporters from anywhere in the globe will have a digital copy of a tree, to be maintained in their own virtual garden or to be given as a gift. Tree care is crucial: Treebuddy.Earth stands for the long term tree care by the local people, using local wisdom and practices. It brings a societal transition by providing locals a strong incentive to protect the trees instead of cutting them down. Treebuddy.Earth is an effectively scalable solution with focus on immediate biodiversity effects, climate effects and societal transition towards sustainability.

Treebuddy.Earth business customers are helping biodiversity and local communities. Individual trees can be well integrated in their consumer loyalty programs, since every tree is an easily shareable internet link. For example, a hotel can donate a Treebuddy for each visitor or a pizzeria for their loyal customers.

Treecaring made personal. You can meet highly motivated locals via Zoom. Locals receive income every time they make a status update of a tree with a new photo (after 1 year, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years) – encouraging locals for stable long term treecare. Local tree care communities, businesses and individual customers meet each other regularly in joint zoom meetings/webinars. This gives a very empowering motivation boost to act for the planet.

Our mission is to support millions of trees by building the unlikely global alliance between small local communities, businesses, and citizens. With our first partner ENO Environment Online School Network (10 000 schools in 157 countries) we are well positioned to connect the unconnected from around the world

Planet Acts shared

Treebuddy – Tree planting and caretaking
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